21 April: The Crash
When it gets to recalling what happened, I really feel like I'd need a week of emotional vacation to be able to go through it again. Properly. But now I stay focused on going to work soon and then to Austria next week. (writer's insight) It was an absolutely average Friday afternoon. Being done with work, left with a bunch of frustration stuck in my heart about things I couldn't get done or do right, I decided to do my Friday training, an easy one hour ride on the island. I had an easy ride given by my coach, since Sunday it's Telekom Vivicitta, 21k, which a lot of my colleagues will attend and had hot dog plans, gathering and fun afterwards in the park. Much to look forward to but also much to get out of my system from a bad day at work. I was also tired and thought about taking a nap listening to my favourite 10-minute guided meditation. Earlier, however, I asked my friend, Gergő if he wanted to join my ride and he agreed and fixed the time. So I didn't want to b...